Wow, I just looked over this blog and the pictures. I want the clean kitchen back!! That Christmas looked nice too with that new TV. Now my house is messier than ever. I guess it is time for an intervention or go back full force with the Fly lady and cleaning list. I thought I was doing alright but looking back, this trouble with my back is making me lazy. Now I have a set goal. At least return to the 2008 pictures and try to improve even from that. This will take a bit of time and hopefully regain some energy.
I finished needle knitting my drop stitch scarf and my shawl. Here are pictures of the newest knit additions of mine.The bag Is Isela's little Lexi bag.
I'll post more pictures tomorrow, we had Tornado weather tonight and I got on here late. The two storms missed us; the second one just barely though. To close for comfort again.