With all this mess to cope with in my craft room I do all my looming in the Living room. I have 4 or 5 projects going and want to start three more. Please send help. I need the flylady to get calm out of this chaos. And you haven't even seen my husbands mess in the other rooms yet or whats behind the closet door #1, #2, and #3. At least it is beautiful, clean and calm outside. Just to unbearably hot to stay out there long. My sink is polished and shiny though and the laundry is done. Life is to short to get your shorts in a twist over this. I know where most stuff is, just can't reach most of it. This is my full time job. And people say--do you work??? It got this way because I worked. Now to control the beast. One step at a time, one space at a time. I have 9 sewing machines in this house and 5 must go soon. Two will go up to the church and one to my daughter in law and I hope to sell the other 2.The other 4 are different. One is cast iron, one is embroidery, one is a serger and one is my husbands embroidery and sewing combo machine. Maybe someday I will only have one or two of these, just not right at the moment. If I had a storage shed or basement this would not be a problem at all. I know people with much more space have storage trouble. I don't even have a garage so everything is in the house and full up. We do need more space, or get rid of more 'things'. I have trouble parting with some stuff. I still have a few toys from my sons, I even found that I have toddler stuff yet. The big roller coaster of KNEX and electonic battleship should go. It is hard for me to let go. These were so cool. My oldest took most of the LEGO's and gave some to an autistic clinic. I hated that. My dad got that stuff before he died back in the 80's up til 1990. They don't make them anymore. They cost so much back then. We had them all. Big sets, and little ones too. I love Lego's, and they remind me of my dad who died in 1990. I need to let go of that stuff. Put it to use instead of collecting dust. As my neighbors two year old says 'OH MAN!'